Thursday, December 31, 2009


Today a stranger IMed me and told me they were extremely horny...well, here's how the conversation went:

horny person: hi
me: hey
horny person: I'm extremely horny it's not even funny
me: I feel extremely awkward, it's not even funny.
who is this?
horny person: we'ren't you on omelge just a minute ago?
me: if i was..i must've accidentally clicked it and then closed the window and never knew what i was on.
so no.
horny person: uhh no cause I was talking to somebody on there...and they gave your IM address out
me: oh that's great -.- it wasnt me.
horny person: k
me: now i have to go track that person down.
who was it?
horny person: sorry then
I don't know
me: can you give me some type of screenname they go by?
horny person: they don't do just says "stranger" and "you" when they talk

whoever is giving out my screenname needs to stop doing that. It's gross. Get a life.