Saturday, December 4, 2010


I'm falling for him. This isn't supposed to happen. Fuck. My. Life.


Cat said...

Hi ... this is Skeim right? Hello! I used one of your blog layouts from CreateBlog that I think you made a long time ago and I just wanted to credit you in the most accurate way possible and wanted to know if you wanted credit to be linked to a certain place?

I have a blog about my makeup tutorial channel :P It's called Audfaced and I just made a blog and yeah!

Sorry if this is an awkward post to comment on ... i just chose the most recent in hopes you'll see this. Attraction is quite a confusing topic, i know!


Anonymous said...

Yea this is skeim, I hid my other blog and I mainly use this one now haha. And the way you credited my layout is just fine. I'm glad you enjoyed it!