Thursday, December 31, 2009


Today a stranger IMed me and told me they were extremely horny...well, here's how the conversation went:

horny person: hi
me: hey
horny person: I'm extremely horny it's not even funny
me: I feel extremely awkward, it's not even funny.
who is this?
horny person: we'ren't you on omelge just a minute ago?
me: if i was..i must've accidentally clicked it and then closed the window and never knew what i was on.
so no.
horny person: uhh no cause I was talking to somebody on there...and they gave your IM address out
me: oh that's great -.- it wasnt me.
horny person: k
me: now i have to go track that person down.
who was it?
horny person: sorry then
I don't know
me: can you give me some type of screenname they go by?
horny person: they don't do just says "stranger" and "you" when they talk

whoever is giving out my screenname needs to stop doing that. It's gross. Get a life.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I don't understand,

I don't understand people. I don't understand what drives them to do the crazy things that they do. What makes a girl obsess over a man who has twice rejected her in the most cruelest way? Or that a girl would give up on class solely based on the reason that it is not required for her future. What makes a man sacrifice his family's happiness for the small possibility for becoming rich? I don't understand any of this at all. I don't understand how people can be so stupid.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do You Want To Read My Paper?

So I was sitting in class working on my introduction paragraph to my essay, when my friend asks me if her introduction sounded good and she talked about it, then asked me "do you want to read my paper?". Really now? really? Heck no I don't want to read your paper. Do I look like I have time to read your one and a half introduction paragraphs? Hello?! I'm writing my own.
Why can't people just reword the dang question and ask "Can you read my paragraph and tell me if it's good?" or something to the point where the idea is plain and simple that they want criticism on the paper. Why the heck would I want to read your paper? It doesn't talk about anything repulsive, it's a friggin academic paper!! One of the stupidest questions of mah liiife!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Looking back on life is one of most saddest pasttimes I have ever done in my whole entire life. I see my life right now and sometimes I think 'am i happy or am i sad?' and it's just weird, because for 90% of the year I am satisfied with how my life has turned out but at the same time I think 'am i truly satisfied or this is a cover for how i really feel?' I don't know, but i'm so glad that highschool is almost ending because I am just sick and tired of high school life. Being a freshman still feels like just yesterday, back when I heavily played Maplestory, sadly, the game Maplestory is still one of the most hugest impacts of my life because I met so many interesting people through that game and it partially made me into who I am today, even though there are other people irl that made a larger impact. I don't know, I feel like everything that has happened in my life has been a positive impact, well except for one. But I don't want to get into that one issue. The restaurant is probably one of the most hugest impacts of my life, it really changed the way I view my family and my life in general, it's weird, one of the most places I hate made a lot of impact. I keep on seeing college as a way out of my current situation but sometimes I ask myself if I truly want to get out or not. I don't know. My life is screwy.


Haha, so I haven't posted in this blog since last year around this time, whoaaa. No comments whatsoever about that! So yea, life has been good to me, there's some stuff I feel a bit down about but no worries, I'm good. I hope whoever reads this is good too. ^^ AND I HAVE NEW SUMMER GOALS! WOO!

Summer Goals;
» work out
» finish summer reading
» take two sac city classes and get A's in them!
» not work as much. >=o
» make a new layout! grr, this one is lame.