Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Do You Want To Read My Paper?

So I was sitting in class working on my introduction paragraph to my essay, when my friend asks me if her introduction sounded good and she talked about it, then asked me "do you want to read my paper?". Really now? really? Heck no I don't want to read your paper. Do I look like I have time to read your one and a half introduction paragraphs? Hello?! I'm writing my own.
Why can't people just reword the dang question and ask "Can you read my paragraph and tell me if it's good?" or something to the point where the idea is plain and simple that they want criticism on the paper. Why the heck would I want to read your paper? It doesn't talk about anything repulsive, it's a friggin academic paper!! One of the stupidest questions of mah liiife!

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