Thursday, December 9, 2010


I'm not upset that he decided to not come last minute. It's not like I actually had the day all planned out, besides, when he comes here next quarter I'll have more stuff planned out! :) @_@

On a side note; fuck, I haven't liked him less at all. eff mah life.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I'm falling for him. This isn't supposed to happen. Fuck. My. Life.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010


I don't remember ever blogging about how I am currently attending UC Irvine, which is funny because the last college admission post that I posted was that I got into my back up school UC Irvine, haha, funny how the world ends up working huh? I absolutely refused to come to UC Irvine at the beginning of senior year and look at where I am right now? UC IRVINE! haha, awesome right? So I am pretty much in love with this school right now, everyone here is really awesome. :) In a way I do miss Sacramento even though there was so much shit at the end of senior year that just made me hate the city, but as I drift away from it I'm starting to miss it. It's weird. My life is weird. So I met the two guys a few weeks ago, that was interesting, haha. Kinda cool too...

I miss my parents. I miss my sisters. I especially miss my friends. I dreamed of coming down to southern California and living here for the rest of my life but the more I'm here, the more I think Sacramento is a better way of living. Although there is no fucking thing to do in northern California, it's more simplistic, but I don't know. I don't know what I want and I don't know where I'm going to end up, I guess I should just try to make as many friends as I can and live my life to the fullest because I will never know where I am going to end up. I never imagined myself in UC Irvine, heck two years ago I didn't even see myself living down here, but look at me now. I've grown up in so many ways that I can't even imagine, it's so weird. Now there was something I wanted to blog about at first but it seemed to just have slipped my mind, haha. Oh well. Another day Carthage.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Yesterday something interesting happened. Something I thought would never happen. I can't believe it, but that girl is the luckiest girl in the whole fucking world. But hey, I put up my white flag. So why the fuck would I care? I have no fucking clue. It's crazy. But I'm glad he's maturing.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

White Flag.

I put up my white flag a long time ago. It's an amazing feeling to be honest. :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I am so fucking stupid. I swear.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Feels goood

It feels good to look at someone and say "I don't give a fuck."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

...maybe it's just not meant to be.

High school is ending. One part of me is saying "yessss!!!", but the other part of me is sad. Maybe it's because I'm going to leave the majority of my friends, or maybe it's because of him. Math class was fun with him, always bugging him, playing little stupid games with him. I don't regret our time together, I just wished that it lasted a little bit more. Come summer we shall depart, then school will start and he'll meet new girls, new crushes, new life. It makes me sad, although I can't tell him my true feelings I wish that I had made some impact on his life for him to remember me a little bit longer, even though that is most likely not true. I wish I could tell him I have feelings for him but society is so hard right now that I'm a little scared, a little scared in being rejected, a little scared in what our relationship will turn out to be. I know he doesn't like me in that way, i guess maybe it's just not meant to be.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What The Fuck

is exactly what I was thinking when I found out that one of my really good friends would rather confide in this girl that she has known for a shorter period of time rather than me! It was just such a huge ego blow for me, can I not be trusted? Am I truly such a bad friend? I just don't fucking understand. Well you know what, fuck you too bitch, I hope you have a fucking good life.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today was a Great Day!

Soooo tooodayyy. :) I got to see HIM today. :D ^^ That totally made the rest of my day and I felt so jumpy jumpyyyy. And then I had PRO and me and my mentee played one on one Basketball which was really fun, I realized that she didn't like playing with other kids and me. heh.. and then after school when I came home I found out I got accepted into UC Irvine! :D Excitedd, my back up school is secured! Woohoo! So overall it was a good day. :D Too bad I don't get to see him tomorrow. :( Boooo.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I don't know why my family is so fucking annoying. Just shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business gawd fucking dammit. You're the reason why I have to go through all of this shit so just give me the damn work and stop your damn bitching.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gung He Fat Choi!

Happy New Years! :) Sorry it's not the American portrayal of the Chinese words, it's in my family's dialect. :)
So today me and my sister went on delivery, the car ride was so nice that I ended up taking a nap in the car. When we came back to the restaurant I was still in the car and my sister woke me up to get out of the car. When I got out two guys were just standing out there and noticed that I had fallen asleep and said "good thing you woke up we thought you were passed out. The pub is the last place you should go to." and I just laughed and kept on walking. Then I passed by another guy who asked "had a good nap?" and I replied with "yea". Ahh, good times good times. lol. Such an awkward moment. x)

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I need a new layout. Suggestions?
HA! None. Cause no one reads this shit. :)
Oh I'll think of something, something KAWAII. ^^